Airdrops 101: The Ultimate Hack for Building Your Crypto Portfolio

Tales from the Block
6 min readMay 15, 2024


Imagine getting free cryptocurrency just for being part of an online community or completing simple tasks. That’s the concept behind airdrops — a clever marketing strategy used by blockchain projects to give away free tokens and raise awareness.

What is an Airdrop?

Airdrops can be defined as a marketing strategy or technique commonly employed by blockchain projects to distribute free tokens to a specific audience.

But first, what exactly are tokens? Think of them like digital coins or assets built on a blockchain network. They can represent currency, access rights, or essentially anything the project developers want.

Now back to airdrops! For crypto newcomers, they provide an exciting way to kickstart your portfolio and discover promising new projects without investment risk.

How Airdrops work

Projects announce airdrops through their official websites, social media channels, or dedicated airdrop tracking platforms. To receive the free tokens, you’ll typically need to complete simple tasks like:

  • Following the project on Twitter and Telegram
  • Joining their community forums or groups
  • Sharing referral links with friends
  • Watching videos or taking quizzes about the project

The project then “air-drops” the tokens directly into your cryptocurrency wallet, free of charge! These tokens can be distributed to various groups, including:

  1. Existing Token Holders: A project may airdrop tokens to holders of a specific cryptocurrency. For example, holders of the Tpet token got airdropped an NFT recently, as a reward for holding the token.
  2. Community Members: Projects often airdrop tokens to active members of their community, such as participants in forums (AMA sessions), social media followers, or users who engage with their platforms.
  3. Task Completion: Some airdrops require participants to complete specific tasks, like joining a Telegram group, retweeting a post, or referring new users. Completing these tasks earns participants a share of the airdropped tokens. Examples are Notcoin, Tapswap, etc.

Why do projects do airdrops?

Airdrops serve several purposes:

  1. Marketing: Airdrops help generate buzz and awareness about a project. They attract attention from potential investors, users, and supporters, increasing the project’s visibility within the blockchain and cryptocurrency community.
  2. User Acquisition: By distributing tokens for free, projects can attract new users who may become long-term participants or investors in the ecosystem.
  3. Token Distribution: Airdrops can be a method for distributing tokens fairly and equitably among a broad user base, ensuring wider token ownership and decentralization.
  4. Engagement: Tasks associated with airdrops encourage community engagement and interaction, fostering a sense of participation and involvement among users. An example is Twitter post engagements, which have been stopped recently.

It’s worth noting that while airdrops can be exciting for participants, not all airdropped tokens may hold significant value immediately. The value of airdropped tokens can vary based on market demand, project success, and other factors.

Benefits of Airdrops

Benefits for Projects: Airdrops help projects build a loyal user base, increase token distribution, and raise awareness about their platform.

Benefits for Users: You get free tokens, which could potentially increase in value if the project succeeds. It’s a low-risk way to diversify your portfolio and discover promising projects early on.

Types of airdrops

  1. Utility Airdrops: These airdrops distribute tokens to users based on their activity or participation within a decentralized application (dApp) or protocol. For example, users who provide liquidity to a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol may receive utility tokens as a reward.
  2. Governance Airdrops: Projects distribute governance tokens to users based on certain criteria, such as being an active participant, holding a specific amount of tokens, or contributing to the project’s development. These tokens grant holders voting rights and decision-making power within the project’s governance structure.
  3. Staking Airdrops: Users who stake their tokens or provide liquidity to a staking pool may receive airdrops of additional tokens as a reward for securing the network or participating in governance activities.
  4. NFT Airdrops: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can also be distributed via airdrops. Projects may airdrop NFTs to holders of specific tokens, participants in events, or as promotional giveaways to increase engagement and adoption of NFT platforms.
  5. Community Airdrops: Similar to standard airdrops, community airdrops in Web3 reward active participants, contributors, or early adopters of a project or platform. These airdrops aim to incentivize community engagement and loyalty.
  6. Protocol Airdrops: Projects may conduct airdrops to promote the adoption of their protocols or to introduce new features. These airdrops often target developers, users, and stakeholders within the blockchain ecosystem.
  7. Cross-Chain Airdrops: With the interoperability of blockchains, tokens, and NFTs can be airdropped across multiple chains. Cross-chain airdrops enable users to receive tokens or assets on different blockchain networks based on their holdings or participation.
  8. Bounty airdrops: To become eligible for a bounty airdrop, you must complete a specified set of tasks. Some examples include promoting the cryptocurrency on social media, becoming a member of its online community, signing up for its newsletter, getting friends and family to sign up for its newsletter, or even providing software and coding support.
    In simple terms, bounty airdrops are not truly free in that they require some form of labor to qualify.
  9. Standard/raffle airdrops: Standard airdrops and raffle airdrops are both types of free giveaways in the crypto world. To join, you usually just need to sign up or register. Standard ones have clear rules, while raffle ones randomly pick winners.

The benefits of raffle airdrops include:

  • Random Selection: Raffle airdrops randomly select winners from a pool of eligible participants. Participants may need to meet certain criteria to enter the raffle, such as holding a minimum amount of tokens or completing specific tasks.
  • Fairness: Raffle airdrops are designed to be fair and impartial, giving all eligible participants an equal chance of winning.
  • Attracting Attention: Raffle airdrops can attract attention and excitement within the community as participants anticipate the possibility of winning a prize. For example, a project might conduct a raffle airdrop where participants who hold a minimum of 100 tokens are automatically entered into a drawing to win additional tokens, or NFTs.

Getting Started with Airdrops

  1. Research: Use sites like AirdropAlert and to find legitimate opportunities. Cross-check the project’s official channels.
  2. Secure Wallet: Have an ERC-20-compatible wallet (e.g., MetaMask) ready to receive tokens.
  3. Verify & Participate: Ensure the airdrop is genuine, then follow all instructions to qualify.
  4. Claim Tokens: After completing tasks, claim your airdropped tokens in your wallet!

Stay Safe from Scams!

Not all airdrops are legitimate. Scam airdrops are fraudulent attempts to deceive people into believing they will receive free tokens or coins, but the intention is to steal personal information or cryptocurrency holdings or to waste your time.

These scams often mimic legitimate airdrops but have malicious purposes. Scammers try to steal personal information or crypto with:

  1. Deceptive Promises: Scam airdrops promise free tokens or coins to attract victims. They may claim to be associated with well-known projects or use fake endorsements to appear legitimate.
  2. Phishing: Scammers may ask participants to provide sensitive information, such as private keys, wallet addresses, or login credentials, under the guise of registering for the airdrop. This information is then used to steal cryptocurrency from victims’ wallets.
  3. Malware and Downloads: Some scam airdrops require participants to download software or click on links that contain malware. This malware can compromise the security of devices and wallets, leading to theft or unauthorized access.
  4. Fake Token Distribution: Scammers may create fake tokens or coins and distribute them during the airdrop. These tokens have no real value and are used to trick participants into thinking they have received something valuable.
  5. Unrealistic Rewards: Scam airdrops may promise unrealistically high rewards or incentives to lure victims into participating.

To avoid falling victim to scam airdrops, it’s essential to:

  • Verify the legitimacy of the airdrop by checking official project channels, websites, and announcements.
  • Never share sensitive information like private keys, passwords, or wallet addresses with unknown or untrusted sources.
  • Be cautious of airdrops that require downloads or clicking on suspicious links.
  • Use reputable security software and practices to protect against malware and phishing attempts. E.g., mises browser, kiwi browser, or Brave browser.

By staying vigilant and exercising caution, individuals can protect themselves from falling prey to scam airdrops and other fraudulent activities in the cryptocurrency space.



Tales from the Block

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