Lessons Learned in Tech

Tales from the Block
3 min readDec 18, 2023


Tech is no walk in the park, and I’m here to spill the real tea—it's not as breezy as everyone makes it out to be. Take it from me; I’m a living testament to the highs, lows, and everything in between.

I am not ashamed to admit that I spent my first year in tech trying and failing at various things. Some of it did not work out for me exactly as I thought it would or how the KOLs—God bless them—had made it sound.

The mistake I made starting was going for the money. Don’t get me wrong, money is a good motivator, but it’s never enough. During my first month in tech, I did enough research and watched enough videos on YouTube and TikTok on get this... THE TOP PAYING TECH CAREERS.

Fast forward a couple of months, and I was a copywriter. Here I was, studying the psychology of human behavior and persuasion. I enjoyed it, but then I needed this thrill, and I wasn’t getting it by writing copies.

You should check out my portfolio; I’m pretty badass at it too.

During that period, I began yearning for more and somehow began learning about UX writing. It still involved writing copy, but it was cooler.

It sounded a tad bit more “techie” now. But I couldn’t afford to pay for mentorship at the time because, get this, you will suffer to keep your head above water as a man in tech. No one cares about you until you can provide value.

That was a dark period for me because I was lost, broke, and, worst of all, still labeled a tech bro by everyone around me. After all, I was the guy with the laptop.

I hope you are still with me. It gets interesting because, out of nowhere, help came. As a Viking at heart, I did what Ivar the Boneless would do and evolved and re-strategized. I got into marketing with the help of a Sidehustle internship and a couple of

courses. It sort of kicked off from there for me.

Take a peek into what I did for some brands as a marketer and strategist—it's worth a look.

Shortly after, I got my first job in tech as an academic writer for a blog scholarshipmonitor, and that, my dear, is how I started writing. But as an ambitious Viking, learning is never enough.

Towards the end of the year, I got unboarded into the Web3 space, and finally! I found something that felt like home. Something I would want to wake up every morning and work hard at. Something challenging while also rewarding.

So when you ask me now who I am, I will most likely tell you that I am Austin, the Web3 guy. I have tried, I have failed, and I have learned my lessons.

I am a content developer, educator, marketer, and brand strategist in the web3 space. All the things I learned on my way to this point in time have not been a waste of time.

PS: Marketing and branding strategy have not been put into full motion yet, as there is still a lot to learn going forward.



Tales from the Block

Your friendly neighborhood Web3 educator! Demystifying DeFi and blockchain for Africans one post at a time. Join me on this journey!